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Stafford, TX 77477
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Cell Phone Recycling

Cell Phone Recycling

In America, millions of cell phones are thrown away every year, to change them for the newest models, what we do not know is that all those devices discarded can seriously damage the environmental environment

Did you know? Electronic scrap represents 70% of the total toxic waste currently found in landfills according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in a percentage of 141 million cell phones that are discarded, only 12 million are collected for Recycle.

Currently the approximate useful life of a cell phone is only 24 months for the average consumer, since new models are constantly being launched to replace the oldest ones. This means that newer cell phone models are frequently consumed and the old ones probably end up in the trash.

Waste pickers consider this type of waste a rapidly expanding problem. In the United States, approximately 70% of heavy metals in landfills come from discarded technology. Electronic waste barely accounts for between 2% and 5% of garbage in the country's landfills, however this figure is growing rapidly.

How can we recycle a cell phone?

First of all, we must protect our information and make a backup of it, in this way we are sure that whatever the destination of our cell phone is, our information does not fall into the wrong hands and can be used for bad practices.

Follow these simple steps to start recycling your cell phone.

Delete your directory, photos, messages and other stored information.

Disable all activation or anti-theft locks, depending on your phone settings.

Remove the SIM card (GMS or 4G).

Resets the equipment to the original factory settings.

Take your cell phone to a recycling center.

Proper treatment when recycling a cell phone can generate less waste and pollution to the environment than simply throwing it in the trash can.

In companies that are dedicated to cell phone recycling, three quarters of the cell phone can be reused significantly and can help remanufacture new equipment, sale of specific parts or various repairs.

Check online what kind of companies can help you with this process, it is important that you select well since not all companies have special certifications for waste of this type and will only use the necessary parts and irresponsibly discard the remaining.

GREENTEK SOLUTIONS LLC, offers you the possibility to get rid of your old cell phone with the assurance that all requirements for safe disposal without damaging the environment are fulfillmet.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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